Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Fourth of July

We hope all of you have had a wonderful 4th of July. We have and now we are back in our room trying to rest up for tomorrow. We started our day with a breakfast buffet here at the hotel and then we were on our way to the Reenactment of the Battle of Gettysburg.

Today the reenactment was of the East field battle between Virginia and the Wolverines. It lasted about 45 minutes of fighting. I do not know how the horses stay so calm during all the shooting. Here are a few pictures showing some of what we saw.

The man Linwood is standing next to is the one we met yesterday outside Lee's Headquarter's. He plays the part of General Early and he looks like him. We saw him again later.

At 1:oo pm the Confederate Generals - Lee, Pettigrew, Pickett, Early, Longstreet, Ewell, Stuart (arrived late :)), and Armistad came to the front of an large open tent to answer question from the audience. They stayed in character the entire time. We were all sitting on bales of hay - hard but fun. Linwood said he felt like was was actually there.

We then walked down where the Generals were all camped. The South on one side and the North on the other. This time I took Linwood's picture with General Robert E. Lee. He loved it.

We saw General Early again and enjoyed talking to him about his character. His real name is Michael Sipes from Hanover, PA His family was from Maryland and he grew up in Virginia. He does enjoy what he does on the weekends. At his sugguestion, we drove to Culp's Hill. He asked us to walk down a trail and pay respect to where the Yankees threw the bodies of the men from Maryland. Here are a couple of these pictures.

Here are a few more pictures we thought you would like. Hope all of you are doing well.


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